Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reveiw: Inverloch

Web-comic by Sarah Ellerton.

Inverloch is a fantasy comic which follows the adventures of Acheron a "horned wolflike creature" . It follows a basic fantasy formula, there's a quest to find an elf, a group of friends he meets a long the way and the thief, a mage staples yet Inverloch manages to keep this fresh and interesting, weaving a good story along this well worn narrative making almost addictive. The art is beautiful and detailed, reminiscent of old school Disney characters , The Black Cauldron in particular and the artist made a wise decision to shun the manga look I think.

Well written and drawn. If fantasy is your thing this is worth a look.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

In The begining

Hi I'm Leah and this will be my blog.
For this blog I intend to review movies, books, web comics, music and any thing else people wnat to throw at me provided I was either going to do it in the first place or its fairly inexpensive. The more observant of you will have noticed the title was Rants and Reviews, but thats forcast not a intetion. Ranting is something I do you can ignore those posts at will, I promise I won't cry.

Anyhow that is enough from me for now. Expect updates to be sporadic and comment your little hearts out and I'll be a happy girl.
