Saturday, August 07, 2010

Gay marriage and why religion aside, you should be for it.

Gay marriage in churches is a religious issue, I don't think that many people would argue with that, but gay marriage in australia is a civil rights issue. It's about saying that we as Australians are all equal, are all worthy of the same treatment under law. I'm atheist and so this year I was thinking about voting for the Australian Secular Party, but I changed my mind after seeing that they, like the Liberal Party, are for banning the burqa in schools and courts and the like at least, now as an atheist and a feminist I am not particularly pro-burqa, But banning it makes a significant part of our population second class citizens, unable to exercise their right to freedom of Religion. Gay marriage is the same sort of thing, by denying them the right, a right all straight people have, to marry the person of their choosing, you are denying them the right to be full citizens of the country that they belong to, and who's next? When we establish the concept of secondary citizenship for australian born gay people(refugees are a whole other post) who else is eligible? Muslims? Jews? Maybe it will be your right to live the lifestyle that you wish that will come under fire next.

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