Monday, February 12, 2007

Rant:spreading democracy?

So the war on Iraq(sorry terror) goes on, some two years after it was "won" and
George Bush expects a pat on the back for all his hard work, if by hard work you mean spending billions of dollars sending soliders to die and kill innocent people, spreading democracy. this to me rings a little hollow, do only countries that have oil deserve to have democracy spread on them? Seeing as China is a one party communist country, you would think America would be all over them, I mean they cersor the internet, have tried again and again to assimalate the occupied tibet, and has human rights violations left right and center. Could it be that America like China because its economy is essentially capitlist and america likes buying things from them or that seeing as China has the largest military in the world america won't touch them? It seems to me spreading democracy is code for taking what we want. So China should look out seeing as America owes it a lot of money and I think that as soon as that loan is called in, America will be spreading democracy there too. As it has a history of turning on once allies.


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