Monday, February 26, 2007

Rant: An Education In Values?

So its an election year over here in Australia, and that means that a whole lot of half arsed ideas are coming out of both sides of the government. Education is a big issue at the moment so lots of half arsed ideas are to do with that. Such as the bringing back values to schools. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for values, how ever I question the idea that according to our current liberal government that the way to get values is though religious Chaplaincy In public, and hopefully secular schools, really what the fuck are they thinking?
I went to a catholic school and as far as a private school goes it was pretty moderate, but I remember that in year nine religion we talked about homosexuality, and how you should try and talk your friends out of it. Really talk them out of what is a genetic variant? hm. I have to say that as far as values go I don't see what Religion has to teach us that social workers and that councilors can not. What they do going for them, in abundance is religious bigotry, because unless you are hiring your chaplain from the Pastafairan Faith, or similar you are getting someone who has been assimilated in to a bunch of ridiculous in most cases socially acceptable bias . How you expect values to be taught by someone who's morally guidelines, and you can pick a religious book to suit your self, push male superiority, slavery, murder and racial and sexual discrimination?
I'm not saying that some chaplains can't be wonderful, I just don't see why they should be singled out as standards of morality. Why schools that would prefer to use the money to hire people with a non religious back ground shouldn't be able to.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Rant:spreading democracy?

So the war on Iraq(sorry terror) goes on, some two years after it was "won" and
George Bush expects a pat on the back for all his hard work, if by hard work you mean spending billions of dollars sending soliders to die and kill innocent people, spreading democracy. this to me rings a little hollow, do only countries that have oil deserve to have democracy spread on them? Seeing as China is a one party communist country, you would think America would be all over them, I mean they cersor the internet, have tried again and again to assimalate the occupied tibet, and has human rights violations left right and center. Could it be that America like China because its economy is essentially capitlist and america likes buying things from them or that seeing as China has the largest military in the world america won't touch them? It seems to me spreading democracy is code for taking what we want. So China should look out seeing as America owes it a lot of money and I think that as soon as that loan is called in, America will be spreading democracy there too. As it has a history of turning on once allies.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Review: Deja Vu

Written by: Terry Rossio and Bill Marisilii
Directed by:Tony Scott
Starring: Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel and Paula Patton

Deja vu is a movie that would never come to pass in any other politcal climate. The film follows Doug Carlin (Washington) as he attempts to solve both a terrorist bombing, and the interlinked death of a women named Claire(Patton). While doing so he is recruited by FBI agent Pryzwarra (Kilmer) into a special task force, this is where the film starts to become uncertain, and stays that way until the end of the movie. Its a rollercoaster for your mind. The last 30 minutes of the film is spent making you wonder if it will end the way you think its going to end, it does and it doesn't, this is no time machine and the explantion for deja vu is kind of long bow, but it was entertaining and put your mind to work, which is always a sign of a decent movie to me. Minuses were Val Kilmer and the "oh my gosh aren't we all good little patriots" feel of the film.

overall all though 6/10 from me and 58% from the nice folks at rotten tomatoes.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Review: Epic Movie

You know, normally when I do reviews, I do it properly, I'll find out who directed it, who produced it and so on. I'm not doing that for Epic Movie, because it's not worth my time and effort. The only reason I'm even reviewing it is so I can say I tried to prevent you making this mistake, because watching this film is the visual equivelent of a labotomy. Unlike most of the films in the scary movie franchise, which were also aimed at a juvenile audience, its not funny, not even stupid funny, it's just stupid. If George Bush was a film, this would be it. it rates half a star with me and 3% currently at rotten tomatoes.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wow I really suck at this

So I haven't written any thing for awhile, sorry imaginary readers, I had no internet for a while and then I had work stuff and now boy problems, though from your point of view its a good thing he broke up with me. Because now I can update this more, won't that just be shiny, though theres a good chance that they will be whiny bitchy posts on a more regular basis but hey, thats ok right? as long as they are on time.

I'm going to try for one a week at least, see how we go ok.

Oh yes, do yourself a favor and go see Pans Labrinth.