Reveiw: Inverloch
Web-comic by Sarah Ellerton.
Inverloch is a fantasy comic which follows the adventures of Acheron a "horned wolflike creature" . It follows a basic fantasy formula, there's a quest to find an elf, a group of friends he meets a long the way and the thief, a mage staples yet Inverloch manages to keep this fresh and interesting, weaving a good story along this well worn narrative making almost addictive. The art is beautiful and detailed, reminiscent of old school Disney characters , The Black Cauldron in particular and the artist made a wise decision to shun the manga look I think.
Well written and drawn. If fantasy is your thing this is worth a look.
Inverloch is a fantasy comic which follows the adventures of Acheron a "horned wolflike creature" . It follows a basic fantasy formula, there's a quest to find an elf, a group of friends he meets a long the way and the thief, a mage staples yet Inverloch manages to keep this fresh and interesting, weaving a good story along this well worn narrative making almost addictive. The art is beautiful and detailed, reminiscent of old school Disney characters , The Black Cauldron in particular and the artist made a wise decision to shun the manga look I think.
Well written and drawn. If fantasy is your thing this is worth a look.
Nice to see there are appreciators of fine webcomics out there.
I read a lot of the odd-ball comics out there, actually I'm an admin for one called Shirt Ninja Comics, and as far as comics go we're oddball too.
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